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W. Savage Landor


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  • Without residence and work permit, the person working and living in Turkey and the company employing them is subject to the penal provisions of the related law. So, work and residence permit are vital for the legality. ŞİMŞEK Law and Consultancy, checks the suitability of  the wanted criteria and identifies the  required documents during the process of getting work and residence permit. The application file that is prepared according to the criteria of Ministry of Labor, increases the possibility of taking the work permit.

  • Maritime law is a field of law that contains judgments about conflicts that occurs during sailings of trade ships. Transportation law is a field of law that contains judgments about conflicts that occurs during transportation. ŞİMŞEK Law and Consultancy firm provides the preparation of the contracts about the marine trade law affairs and also solves the conflicts that stems from these contracts. We also provide representation of big transportation companies that operates domestic and foreign.

  • We provide general legal advice about customs work, preparation of commercial contracts for import/export, operations about the seized goods in warehouses and stores, any work related to free zones, the remedy of disputes about customs, the prevention of the acts that are not deliberate but within anti smuggling law. Especially the seizure of confiscated property.

  • Turkish judicial system contains a general distinction between private law affairs and issues in relation with the Government and their administrative entities. ŞİMŞEK assists its clients on such administrative matters such as construction and zoning, bid file and offer preparation, administrative suit against bids, prevention from the prohibition of joining the tender.

  • Privatizations has been on Turkey’s agenda since 1984 and since 2001 the number of privatization transactions has increased rapidly. ŞİMŞEK has been extremely active in the field of privatizations. We have represented interested parties in privatization tenders and underwriters in privatizations involving public offerings.

    ŞİMŞEK is well qualified to assist clients in all stages of privatization including data-room and due diligence services, clearance, attendance, guarantee deposits and process of bidding in tenders, review and negotiations of takeover and concession agreements, structuring of new management following privatizations.

    We also offer litigation of privatization related disputes before commercial and administrative courts.

  • ŞİMŞEK finds solutions to the drafting and advising financial institutions in relation to loan structures and security, enforcement of security documentation which include foreclosure proceedings and loan recovery.

  • Our attorneys assist clients for licensing and regulatory compliance, and we also provide corporate and commercial legal services. Our clients include operators of GSM, TV and radio channels, newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, advertising agencies and music production companies. We also offer our services for support of enterprise management issues, transactional support for mergers and acquisitions, support, sales, maintenance and licensing agreements and their related intellectual property issues.

  • Our competition and antirust practice is descended with its outstanding scope and depth. We have complete experience in Competition Authority dealings. Our attorneys have handled difficult antitrust problems in various sectors. We assist for controversial mergers, novel licensing inquiries, complex defenses against investigations, complicated litigation for related disputes.

    As ŞİMŞEK, we provide a multidisciplinary perspective to client problems in relation with competition issues. we work closely with our members in other practices enabling to draw on the knowledge and experience of corporate, regulatory, tax, and labor lawyers, depending on the situation presented.

  • We provide solutions on preparing construction contracts, turnkey contracts, sub-contractor contracts and any contracts between vendor and construction company.

  • We represent clients at mediation and our partners are often appointed as mediators to solve commercial or civil disputes among parties.

  • ŞİMŞEK arbitration services contain services such as drafting arbitration clauses, handling pre-arbitration negotiations, representation before arbitral tribunals and at court proceedings for provisional remedies or recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.

  • As the technology grows and become an important part of trade, international law has been a branch that is frequently used in the cases. We provide solutions for International law that contains problems arising from customs, prevention of unfair competition, arbitration issues, international commercial contracts and related problems.

  • We offer wide range of insurance related services in ŞİMŞEK. Our clients include insurance companies, reinsurers, local and international brokers. Our clients of businesses, individuals, banks and financial institutions also benefit from our expertise in this field.

    We advise for insurance business incorporations, licensing and regulatory compliance. We also assist for drafting of policies, risk assessment and operational structuring of insurance companies.

    We provide our clients drafting specific contract clauses or negotiate with insurance providers for unique policies to structure deals. Our attorneys also represent insurance companies, businesses and individuals in several types of insurance policy-related litigation, from reinsurance claims to consumer actions against insurance companies.

  • ŞİMŞEK acts as a guide for investors assisting them to understand the legal and economic environment of Turkey. ŞİMŞEK supports its clients directly or with reliable referrals for any additional services that may be needed including virtual office formations, outsourced accounting and tax submissions.

  • We provide solutions for corporate tax, income tax, value added tax, income tax stoppage, resource utilization support fone, real estate tax, special transaction tax, stamp duty, motor vehicles tax and so on.

  • We offer any and all legal services with respect to mergers and acquisitions. We assist to a variety of issues regarding retail, finance,logistics, real estate, tourism and fast moving consumer goods.

  • We have been assisting our clients to deal with the EPDK for licensing, land allocation, infrastructure sharing, pricing tariffs and auditing purposes.

    Our attorneys provide transactions, regulatory proceedings and litigation in the energy market. We have assisted to project financing of energy investments, structuring and execution of cross-border electricity trading.

    We also offer our clients for tax planning of their energy related operations.

  • We assist our clients to protect their trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, computer software, results of their research and development efforts, along with their unique works, products and services.

    We provide services in all aspects of intellectual property law and related technology matters, and our practice group includes attorneys with authority to represent our clients before Turkish and European patent institutes for related local and international filings.

  • We assist our clients for real estate due diligence as well, and we offer efficient service packages for foreign investors interested in Turkish real estate market. In addition we provide acquisition and sale of real estate, leasing transactions, establishment and cancellation of rights such as mortgage, servitude, construction, usufruct, etc. Real estate services, such as procedures by land registry directorates, municipalities and tax offices.

  • Our employees know businesses and we get from our clients as much as possible about their enterprise, their objectives and management style along with the current legal issues they are within. We assist businesses from their first formations to liquidation and we have experience in numerous issues that may rise throughout the life span of a business.

    We provide our customers incorporation, M&A, tax planning, IPO, contracts and commercial transactions, employment issues, e-commerce and technology, intellectual property, bankruptcy and liquidation.

  • ŞİMŞEK assists troubled companies, debtors and creditors through the complex maze of substantive, procedural and practical issues that arise during restructuring or reorganization. In addition we provide services concerning execution proceedings and bankruptcy filings.

  • Law Enforcement regulates the enforcing of performance of the debtor, who resists performing his debt with his consent, by means of the enforcement offices on the account of the creditors claim.

  • We offer our corporate and individual clients assistance for obtaining work and related residence permits both for independent purposes or for employees inclusive of their immediate family members. We help for drafting and filing necessary documents and submissions to relevant authorities and our associates escort expatriates and their families when their actual presence is required.

  • Müvekkillerimizin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda her müvekkile özel olarak sözleşmeler hazırlamaktayız. Türkçe-İngilizce-Almanca sözleşmelerin hazırlanması, müzakere süreçlerinin yürütülmesi, mevcut sözleşmelerin revizyonu, sözleşmelerin devri, sözleşmelerin sona erdirilmesi, sözleşmelerden doğan hukuki uyuşmazlıkların takibi gibi konular sözleşmeler hukuku kapsamında çalışılan, çözüme ulaştırılan konulardır.

  • Bilişim suçlarının kapsamı; internette sanal ortamda kişisel bilgisayarlarda ya da yasal telif hakları ile korunan program uygulama vs. gibi alanlarda sizlere sunulan yararlanma kullanma gibi hukuksal hakların yasal olmayan yollardan ihlal edilmesidir. Uzman ekibimiz, adli bilişim uygulamaları, alan adı alım ve transfer sözleşmeleri, alan adı ihlalleri, elektronik bankacılık suçları, elektronik ödeme sistemleri uygulamaları, internet servis sağlayıcılar, internet yayıncılığı, web sitesi geliştirme ve içerik sözleşmeleri vb. konularda müvekkillerimize hukuki danışmanlık hizmeti vermektedir.

  • Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi özel veya tüzel kişiler, iç hukuk yollarını kullanmaları sonucunda verilen nihai kararların kendilerini tatmin etmediği gerekçesiyle Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’ ne başvuruda bulunmakta ve söz konusu mahkeme tarafından verilen kararlar, ülkemizde aynen uygulama bulmaktadır. Biz de müvekkillerimizin istekleri doğrultusunda Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesine başvuruda bulunarak davalarını açmakta ve davalarının takibini gerçekleştirmekteyiz.

  • Profesyonel ve Tecrübeli Avukatlarımız bir uzman titizliği ile hareket ederek gerek Yurtiçinde gerekse Yurtdışındaki Davaları en ince noktasına kadar takip eder, araştırır ve Akademisyenlerle ortak çalışmalar dahilinde Savunmaları hazırlanır.